

Regulations for China Medical University Subsidy for Students Studying Abroad/Internship and Attending International Conferences

更新日期 2021-02-20 10:04:30 文號 中華民國110年2月20日明公字第1100001703號函公布 單位 國際事務處
To enhance international academic exchanges, improve students’ foreign language skills and international horizons, encourage students to study abroad or do internship at CMU’s overseas partner institutes, and to attend international conferences, CMU has stipulated the “Regulations for China Medical University Subsidy for Students Studying Abroad/Internship and Attending International Conferences” (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations").
The amount of subsidy for students will be adjusted according to the financial situation of the university in the current year.
一、 申請資格:
1. 學業成績前一學年(期)等第制為A-以上者。
2. 專業領域有研究著作有具體獲獎事蹟。
3. 參與全國性、國際性專題競賽獲獎。
4. 外語能力至少滿足下列一項標準者:全民英檢中高級(初試)、IELTS 5.0、托福iBT 59分或TOEIC 640分。
5. 大學部學生修畢任四門全英語課程(依本校大學部學生修讀全英語課程實施要點辦理)。
二、 研習機構:教育部認可(不含大陸、港澳地區)並以本校已有簽約合作之大學(僑生以申請非僑居地為限)為優先。
三、 申請時間及資料:
四、 獲補助之學生應於出國前及早洽定本校及外國大學指導教師(mentor)各一位,以提供聯繫及生活之輔導。
五、 通過遴選之學生應事先與該生所屬系、所確認學分抵免或課程選修事宜,經教務處註冊組或研究生事務處簽准後,本校得予採認;並於返國後半個月內需將研習學校之研習成績單與學分證明送交教務處註冊組或研究生事務處,依規定辦理學分抵免或成績登錄,方能獲得補助。
六、 學生於研習學校所研修學分,若未事先取得本校所屬學系同意,於研習學校修習之學分則不列入畢業學分。
七、 凡獲推薦且經核准之學生,每名獎助金額依學術交流地點而有所不同。出國研習時間達4週以上之申請者,亞洲地區獎助上限為40,000元,澳洲地區獎助上限為60,000元,美洲地區獎助上限為60,000元,歐洲及非洲地區獎助上限為60,000元。如少於4週則依其比例遞減。
十、 學生於回國後兩週內向國際事務處繳交登機證存根正本、中英文成果報告書(含照片)電子檔及簡報電子檔並有義務在本校辦理各項活動中進行經驗分享及簡報。
十二、 如有特殊情況申請者,須經校內行政程序核准後,得視本專案年度經費使用狀況酌予補助。

Subsidy for studying abroad/internship:

1. Qualifications:
(1) Registered students at CMU (students with extended studies are excluded) and have completed at least two semesters of study before going abroad (those who have already received subsidies from Ministry of Education are not eligible to apply).
(2) Students with average score of 80 or above in the previous academic year (semester) and meet one of the following academic performance:
i. Students scored A- or higher in the previous academic year (semester).
ii. Students who have done research works in the professional field and have award-winning records.
iii. Students who have participated in national or international competitions and have receive awards.
iv. Students with foreign language proficiency that meet at least one of the following standards: GEPT high-intermediate level (listening & reading), IELTS 5.0, TOEFL iBT 59 or TOEIC 640.
v. Undergraduate students who have completed four full-English courses (according to the Regulations for CMU Undergraduate Students Taking Full-English courses).
(3) Students obtained a letter of consent or invitation from overseas institute.
(4) The duration of study/internship must be at least 3 weeks (including the date of arrival and departure).
(5) Each student can receive the subsidy only once per academic year.
(6) For low-income students, the subsidy will be granted with a special case.

2. Institute: Institutes recognized by the Ministry of Education (excluding Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao) and the partner universities of CMU are preferred. (Overseas Chinese students must apply to institute in non-residence area.)

3. Application time and documents: Students who meet the above qualifications shall submit the application 4 weeks before going abroad, with the following documents to the Office of Global Affairs:
(1) Application form (downloaded from the website of Office of Global Affairs).
(2) Letter of consent or invitation from the institute.
(3) Copy of foreign language proficiency certificate.
(4) Copy of transcript in Chinese and English (must include ranking and average grade, and the list of the completed credits and grades of the courses taken, with the seal of the issuing unit and the signature of the person in charge).
(5) Report of study intent in Chinese and English (Chinese: 800-1200 words; English: 300-500 words), including reasons of going abroad, plans, and expected results.
(6) Copy of passport, student ID, ID or ARC.
(7) Parent consent form.
(8) Administrative contract.

4. Before going abroad, students shall find a mentor in CMU and a mentor in the visiting institute, to serve as the contact and provide life guidance.

5. Students shall contact the department office to confirm credit transfer and course elective matters before going abroad. CMU will accept the credit after the approval of Office of Academic Affairs and Office of Graduate Student Affairs. After returning, students shall submit the transcript or credit certificate with half month. The subsidy will be issued after the certificate is sent to the Office of Academic Affairs or the Office of Graduate Student Affairs and the credit transfer/registration is completed.

6. The credits obtained in the visiting institute will not be included in the graduation credits unless with prior consent of the department.

7. The subsidy may vary according to location of the visiting institute. For period more than 4 weeks, the maximum subsidy for Asia: NT$40,000, Australia: NT$60,000, America; NT$60,000, Europe and Africa: NT$60,000. If less than 4 weeks, the subsidy will be reduced according to the proportion.





Europe and Africa






In addition, to encourage students to take credit courses abroad, students who have taken courses in Asia areas for 4 weeks and have obtained credit certificates can apply for subsidy up to NT$50,000.

8. The total amount of subsidy mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the subsidy for students studying abroad/internship.

9. Before going abroad, students can apply for a pre-payment of half amount of the subsidy.

10. Within 2 weeks after returning, students shall submit the original boarding pass, Chinese and English reports (including photos), and the report presentation files to the Office of Global Affairs. Students are also obliged to share experience and do presentations in related activities held by CMU.

11. Subsidy will not be offered to those who fail to submit the documents on time.

12. For students with special circumstances, after the approval of the administrative procedures, subsidy may be issued as special case, depending on the annual funding condition of the project.

(三) 同一篇發表論文只得申請一次出國會議、研討會補助,不得再向校內其他單位申請補助。

Subsidy for attending international conferences:

1. Qualifications:
(1) Registered students at CMU (students with extended studies are excluded) who submit papers and have been invited by official documents to represent CMU at international conferences or seminars. Graduate students must be recommended and agreed by the advisor to apply.
(2) Students shall first apply for subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Technology (except for undergraduate students) or other units. If the amount is insufficient, or the application is not approved, then apply subsidy with CMU.
(3) One paper can only apply for subsidy for once, and cannot apply subsidy with other units of CMU.
(4) The maximum amount of subsidy per person per academic year is NT$20,000.

2. Amount of subsidy:
(1) Students who do poster presentation as the first author may be subsidized with full registration fee and half of the economy class airfares. The subsidy is issued according to the actual expenditure, with each case up to NT$10,000. (2) Students who do oral presentation as the first author may be subsidized with full registration fee and half of the economy class airfares. The subsidy is issued according to the actual expenditure, with each case up to NT$20,000. (3) Students who represent CMU (with official document or invitation letter) to attend international conferences and seminars shall apply for the subsidy to the Office of Global Affairs 4 weeks before going abroad, and will be subsidized after the approval of President.
(4) Students shall first pay the registration fee and airfares by themselves. After returning, students shall submit reports and supporting documents (receipt of registration fee, published paper, conference handbook, receipts from travel agency or proof of airfare purchase, original boarding pass) to the Office of Global Affairs within 2 weeks.

Students who go abroad shall apply for leave according to the CMU regulations on student leave.
Students who have received subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education or other units and the amount exceeds the standard of CMU, will not be eligible. (Not limited to those who receive research project grants that faculties individually apply with other units.) If the amount of subsidy received from other units is lower than the standard of CMU, CMU will subsidize the difference (with total amount up to the standard of CMU).
These Regulations shall be implemented after the approval of the Administrative meeting and announced by the President.
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