The China Medical University (CMU or “the University”) Student Appeal Regulations (“the Regulations”) are formulated in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 33, Paragraph 4 of the University Act, the Interpretation No. 382 of the Constitutional Court Reporter Interpretations, and Article 20 of the University’s Organizational Regulations to establish a student appeal system that will protect the rights and interests of students during their period of study at CMU.
Students, Student Associations, or other Autonomous Student Organizations (“the Appellant”) of CMU who believe that sanctions imposed by CMU, or its Units in regard to their campus life, studies, or right to education have violated the law or their rights and interests may file a complaint with the University in accordance with the Regulations.
"Students" refers to those who were enrolled as a student at the time when the University imposed penalties, other measures, or resolutions against them. However, the Regulations do not apply to those who refuse to accept the appeal in accordance with Article 34 of the Gender Equality Education Act and Article 27 of the Campus Bullying Prevention Guidelines.
To ensure students’ rights, the Student Grievances Committee (SGC) is established to handle appeals by Students, Student Associations, or other Autonomous Student Organizations.
The SGC may also designate the Office of Student Affairs to handle student appeal cases.
The Student Grievances Committee (SGC) is established in accordance with the following regulations:
1.The SGC consists of 11 to 15 members (including 3 student representatives) appointed by the University president, including legal, educational and physiological scholars. Student representatives must include one graduate student and two students from the Student Association. The number of teachers without administrative duties must not be less than half of the total members, and members of any gender must be more than one third of the total members.
2.The term of the SGC members is one year, and members may be re-elected. The term of temporary additional consultants is limited to the meeting period of each appeal case.
3.Individuals who have served as the Student Award and Penalty Committee, or those who are responsible for the resolution and investigation of student rewards and penalties, shall not serve as members of the SGC.
4.The convener of the SGC is the University vice-president, and the chairman shall be elected by the members for a one -year term and can be re-elected. If the convener is unable to chair the meeting, the chairman shall preside.
5.When dealing with appeals from students of special education cases, at least two special education scholars or experts, parent representatives, or other professionals related to special education shall be additionally appointed as members of the SGC.
The committee, which is formed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, is the University’s Student Grievance Committee for Special Education Students.
The appointment period of the committee members, meeting, voting, reviewing, and confidentiality regulations shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations Governing Services Related to Special Education Students’ Grievances.
SGC meetings require two-thirds of the total members (including at least one student member). All results and review reports of an arbitration require a two-thirds majority of the participating members to pass. Non-student arbitration matters before the SGC only require a simple majority of the participating members to pass.
SGC members should be present at each meeting, with no proxy voting allowed.
The Appellant can only file an appeal with the school once for the same case.
Members of the committee who have an interest in the appeal case shall recuse themselves. An Appellant or the Unit that sanctioned the Appellant may also apply for the recusal of any committee members. The facts and reasons for the recusal of the member(s) in the arbitration should be sent to the SGC.
The SGC shall resolve all issues surrounding the members participation in the arbitration process.
For students’ reward/penalty notices or other measures related to students’ rights, the University shall state the appeal deadline and procedures.
If the Appellant is unsatisfied with the imposed penalties or other measures or resolutions taken by the University, a written appeal may be submitted to the SGC within 10 days from the day after receiving or accepting the relevant punishment, measure, or resolution. If natural disasters or other reasons not attributable to the Appellant prevent the Appellant from submitting within the given period, the Appellant must present a written statement to the SGC and request permission to submit the appeal within 10 days from the extinction of the cause. Submissions received after one year will be rejected.
If the complaint deals with sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus, the Appellant's complaint shall be handled in accordance with the Gender Equality Education Act and the Campus Bullying Prevention Guidelines.
The Appellant shall submit the appeal in written form and attach related materials and the signed affidavit to the SGC (see attachment 1 and 2-1). In cases of special incidents, the Appellant may present an oral report to the SGC person in charge and sign a written document when it is made available.
A case involving the same issue can only be appealed once.
申評會於收到申訴書時,由召集人進行準備程序,必要時得由召集人邀請具法律或相關背景委員及學生委員等至少3 名組成準備小組,進行準備程序。
When the SGC receives an appeal, the convener shall initiate a preparatory procedure for the review. If necessary, the convener may invite at least three committee members (including student members) with legal or related backgrounds to form a preparatory team to carry out the preparation procedure.
The preparatory procedure should include the following items:
1. Determination of whether the appeal complies with the provisions of the Regulations.
2. Identification of the subject matter, facts, and reasons for the dispute.
3. Creating of a list of people who should attend the review meeting.
4. Ensuring that a copy of the appeal is sent to the Unit that sanctioned the Appellant, and the procurement of a reply by related persons to the appeal, if necessary.
5. Other matters necessary for the review preparation.
Both the Appellant and the Unit that sanctioned the Appellant may recommend candidates as related persons.
A list of all preparatory matters related to the case shall be submitted in written form to the SGC person in charge for processing. Both the Appellant and the Unit that sanctioned the Appellant shall be notified of the results of the review.
If the preparatory group meeting decides not to accept the case, the SGC may vote by more than two-thirds of the members (by correspondence), and if more than half of all members agree to reject the case, the SGC shall make a decision not to accept the case.
The SGC shall complete the review within 30 days after the appeal is received and, if an extension is necessary, notify the Appellant of the extension. Such extensions may only be granted once for a period of no more than two months. Appeals involving withdrawal or expulsion from the school or similar sanctions shall not be extended. If the appeal is not in compliance with the Regulations and can be amended, the SGC shall notify the Appellant to make corrections within 7 days. The correction period is not included in the 30-day review period.
The SGC may resolve to establish an investigative team, which in principle shall consist of three to five SGC members, to investigate the appeal.
The Appellant may withdraw the case before the "review report" is handed down. The withdrawal affidavit is in attachment 2-2
If the Appellant files a petition or lawsuit of any sort regarding the appeal or related matters while a review is being conducted, they shall notify the University of such petitions or lawsuits in writing. The University shall then notify the SGC.
After being notified by CMU of a petition or lawsuit, the SGC shall suspend the review and notify the Appellant. After the reason for the suspension of the review is eliminated, the SGC shall give written notice to the Appellant that the review may be resumed upon the Appellant’s written request. If a ruling on all or part of an appeal hinges on whether a legal relationship between the appeal and litigation has been established, the SGC shall suspend the review before the conclusion of the appeal or litigation and notify the Appellant in writing; after the reason for the suspension is eliminated, the SGC shall give written notice to the Appellant that the review may be resumed.
The provisions stipulated in the two preceding paragraphs do not apply to appeals against a dismissal, expulsion, or similar sanctions.
All SGC reviews and meeting notes shall not be made public.
The SGC shall notify the Appellant, the Unit that sanctioned the Appellant, and other related persons of the review meeting and invite such parties to be present for an explanation or to state their opinions in other ways.
The reviews, voting, and individual opinions of SGC members during meetings shall be kept confidential. For cases involving student privacy, the information of the Appellant shall also be kept confidential.
Cases related to dismissal, expulsion, or similar sanctions that have not yet been resolved shall follow CMU School Regulation Article 51 and 52: “Any student whose appeal cases have been accepted but are pending is still subject to the original sanction. However, the student is allowed to continue their study at the University and follow the same regulations as enrolled students on course work, assessments, rewards, and penalties. If the student is graduating, his or her diploma will not be issued due to the sanctions associated with the graduation performance grade.”
When the University receives an appeal from a student with conditions mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the University shall seek the opinions of the SGC, consider the student’s living and studying conditions, and reply to the appeal within 7 days in a written report that specifies the rights and obligations of the student.
The review report shall include main text, facts, and reasons. For appeals that are denied, a review report must be prepared. In such reports, the facts may go unrecorded.
The review report shall record remedies for those who wish to dispute the appeal and the review decision in accordance with Article 23 and 24 of the Regulations.
The review report made by the SGC shall be confirmed by the committee, submitted to the president for approval, and then served to the Appellant (or legal representative) and the Unit that sanctioned the Appellant.
If the Unit that sanctioned the Appellant believes that the ruling is in violation of any regulations or is inconsistent with the facts, it may submit a petition within 10 days that presents the specific facts of the case and its reasoning therefrom to the president for reconsideration and send a copy of the petition to the SGC. If reconsideration is deemed necessary, the president shall refer the petition to the SGC for reconsideration (limited to one time). The review report shall be effective upon approval by the president.
The appeal shall be adopted by the University upon completion of all administrative procedures.
If the SGC upholds the sanction in an appeal regarding dismissal, expulsion, or similar sanctions, it shall be handled as follows:
1.In accordance with the CMU School Regulation Article 50: “For student dismissal, the effective date shall be based on the date of the sanctioning. A certificate will be issued in accordance with the CMU School Regulation.”
2.In accordance with the CMU School Regulation Article 53: “For a student with a dismissal, no certificate of study completion will be issued.”
3.Pursuant to the List of Deferred Enlistment Revocations for School-leaving Students, draftees must report for military service within 30 days after the appeal result is confirmed.
4.Tuition refunds shall be issued in accordance with Article 8 of the Regulations for Fee Collection for Colleges, Universities, and Institutes and Article 15 of the Regulations for the Collection of Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees for Colleges, Universities, and Institutes.
If an Appellant who has undergone administrative sanctions by the University wishes to dispute the final review of the SGC, they may submit a petition with the appeal and the review report to the Ministry of Education within 30 days after the review was served in accordance with the law.
Upon receipt of the aforementioned petition, the University shall prepare a statement of defense with all due speed and submit the related documents to the Ministry of Education.
If an Appellant files an appeal to the Ministry of Education regarding the administrative sanctions of the University without requesting relief through its appeal procedures, the case will be transferred back to the University.
The University shall handle it in accordance with Article 13 of the Regulations and send a copy of the petition to the Ministry of Education.
If an Appellant, who has filed an appeal with the SGC regarding penalties, measures, or resolutions other than administrative sanctions and has been rejected, wishes to dispute the final review, they may file a lawsuit requesting relief accordingly.
If a dismissal or expulsion ruling is overturned or modified, thus allowing a student to resume their studies, but the student is not able to do so immediately for specific reasons, the University shall offer to assist the student in resuming their studies. The University shall retain the student status of draftees who have already reported for military service and therefore cannot resume their studies and assist them in resuming their studies after they are discharged; such students may be granted a suspension of studies during the leave period before they resume studies at the University.
The Student Appeal Regulation shall be included in the student handbook and be posted and announced on the University website for students’ notice.
The Regulations are subject to review and amendment by the University Council and the approval of the Ministry of Education. Further modifications of the Regulations follow the same process.
Where any discrepancy arises between the English translation and the original Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.