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今年全球傳統醫學大學聯盟(The Global University Network of Traditional Medicine,GUNTM)年會,由香港浸會大學中醫藥學院呂愛平院長與台灣中國醫藥大學中醫學院顏宏融副院長暨全球傳統醫學大學聯盟秘書處執行長顏宏融共同主持,此次年會與第五屆香港中醫中藥發展論壇聯合舉辦,共有來自各國頂尖傳統醫藥大學代表與會,包括:台灣中國醫藥大學、韓國慶熙大學、香港浸會大學、中國北京中醫藥大學、中國上海中醫藥大學、中國廣州中醫藥大學、澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學、馬來西亞拉曼大學,今年並新增日本橫濱藥科大學加入擔任觀察員。


全球傳統醫學大學聯盟(The Global University Network of Traditional Medicine, GUNTM)是一個以促進傳統醫學高等教育為目標的多國非政府組織的學術聯絡網,目的在促進傳統醫藥的教育、研究、臨床與資訊流通。透過實證醫學,積極參與傳統醫學研究與整合醫療照護系統,維持全球社會醫療福利的安全與健康。



China Medical University actively promotes the globalization of Traditional Medicine higher education. The 11th Annual Meeting of Global University Network of Traditional Medicine (GUNTM) was held in Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong for two days.

The 11th Annual Meeting of Global University Network of Traditional Medicine (GUNTM) was held in Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), Hong Kong for two days. The theme of this year's meeting was "Chinese Medicine Research and Globalisation". With the influence of global upsurge in traditional medicine, it gathered more than 300 scholars and researchers from not only Hong Kong but also worldwide. There were in total of 9 research abstracts published by Chinese Medical University (CMU) and the clinical characteristics of CMU have attracted the attention of the participating scholars.

This year’s Annual Meeting of GUNTM was hosted by Prof. Aiping Lu, Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University and Prof. Hung-Rong Yen, Vice Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University of Taiwan and Chief Executive Officer, Secretariat of the Global University Network of Traditional Medicine. It was co-organized with the 5th Forum (Hong Kong) on the Development of Chinese Medicine and gathered outstanding traditional medicine representatives from all over the world, including China Medical University (Taiwan), Kyung Hee University (Korea), Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong), Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (China), Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China), Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (China), The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia) and University Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia). On top of that, Yokohama University of Pharmacy (Japan) has participated as an observer this year.

Led by Prof. Mao-Feng Sun, Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan, there are representatives including Prof. Hung-Rong Yen, Vice Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, Prof. Yuan-Shiun Chang, Department of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chinese Medicine Resources, Dr. Wan-Yu Lai, graduate student in School of Chinese Medicine and Ms Cheng-Chieh Kuo, undergraduate student in School of Chinese Medicine. This year, 9 research abstracts were published by Chinese Medical University and the clinical characteristics have attracted the attention of the participating scholars.

The Global University Network of Traditional Medicine (GUNTM) is a multilateral, non-political academic network established in order to effectively promote Traditional East Asian Medicine in the areas of education, research, clinical practice and information exchange. Additionally, it aims to promote active involvement of Traditional Medicine in the integrative health care system and maintain the welfare of the global community through an evidence-based approach.

In the 2018 Annual Meeting of GUNTM, former Chancellor of China Medical University, Academician Wen-Hwa Lee, proposed to set up a Secretariat in China Medical University. With the consent of the members, Prof. Hung-Rong Yen, Vice Dean of School of Chinese Medicine, serves as Chief Executive Officer of GUNTM with the responsibilities of developing, caring out and keeping up with GUNTM work plan, meanwhile promoting higher education in traditional medicine related matters.

The WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy (2014–2025) was developed and launched in response to the World Health Assembly resolution on traditional medicine. The strategy aims to support Member States in developing proactive policies and implementing action plans that will strengthen the role traditional medicine plays in keeping populations healthy. Although health policies and regulations vary in every country, many well-established schools of traditional medicine in the world provide comprehensive and high-quality programs of education in medical sciences as well as modernized traditional medicine to foster healthcare professionals. The GUNTM complies with the WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy (2014-2023) to support Member States in providing safe, qualified and effective Traditional Medicine services; and their appropriate integration into health systems for achieving universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Taiwan has the most rigorous Chinese medicine education and training system in the world. With the influence of global upsurge in traditional medicine, Chinese medicine professionals cultivated in CMU have played an important role, particularly in Chinese medicine higher education, research and clinical practice. Through the platform of GUNTM and the function of Secretariat, we can expect to promote more effectively for the globalization in Chinese medicine higher education in the future.



Dean Mao-Feng, Sun, Vice Dean Hung-Rong Yen, Prof. Yuan-Shiun Chang of China Medical University, Taiwan and all the representatives of GUNTM.

Hung-Rong Yen, Chief Executive Officer of Secretariat, GUNTM gave a speech in the opening ceremony of Annual Meeting this year.

Associate Dean Zhongzhen ZHAO, School of Chinese medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University gifted a book to Hung-Rong Yen, Chief Executive Officer of Secretariat, GUNTM.

Visiting HKBU SCM Lui Seng Chun Clinic led by Dean Mao-Feng Sun, School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University.

Chief Executive Officer Hung-Rong Yen was the guest of honor photographed with President & Vice-Chancellor of Hong Kong Baptist University, Dean of School of Chinese Medicine of Hong Kong Baptist University, Secretary for Food and Health and Director of Health of the Hong Kong SAR Government.











